Friday, March 23, 2012

Having thoughts of traveling to Turkey!?

I was doing some research and found out some thing about Turkey! Although there are a lot of positives in the culture... There are many that have me running away!
see this article below:

'Honor Killings' Have Morphed Into 'Honor Suicides' in Turkey

And Later I was reading an article about rock climbing.. It was written by Turkish Muslim man earlier this year..
Here is little quote that kind of freaked me out.

"Although Turkey is a secular country, over 90% of the population is Muslim. That is mostly because, according to Muslim “law”, the punishment for changing one’s religion is death. You get your religion handed to you at birth, just like your nationality. In eastern Turkey it is frowned upon to dance with the opposite sex, sing, wear makeup, expose your arms or legs (not to mention your bosom), and have sex outside of marriage. If you are a woman, you do not need to wear a scarf. If you ask someone if they “had fun”, you are asking if they had sex. According to the government of Turkey, fornication or homosexuality outside of marriage is not illegal, but according to the Muslim culture, it is not permitted. You won’t be permitted to take a local up to your bedroom. (Hotels are required to turn their guest list into the local police every night.) "

Things I sort of knew already, but something about the idea that being Muslim and Muslim Law are one in the same.. something about it lacks civil liberty.. granted I do believe in God.. I just disagree that this is his Law.
just a thought


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