Monday, January 30, 2012

Quick Day!

Not much went on today, I spent a few hours devoted to my 365 Daily Devotional Blog, as well as getting some lights set up with the green screen. Very soon I am going to be doing my daily devotions, but I am 1 month behind so it will take me some work to get caught up. I am hoping that by giving myself this project.. 365 vlogs and blog posts.. that I will increase my plate size and be able to take on more and more things with greater ease in the future. I do not want to get burdened easily in life. I want difficult things to seem easy, but mostly I want to be successful. I think that by keeping up with 4 blogs, making personal video and photography projects come to life, as well as working full time and doing freelance work, I will put myself into a position where I can accomplish my goals more easily and with a greater knowledge for what it is I am seeking to become.
I thank my family, kk, and I must thank God for the wonderful blessings in my life.
I could not do a thing without the grace of our God and the strength that he provides me with. -God Bless

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mr. Nobody... can someone say waaa??

Did you know that you can have a relationship thwarted, simply because a man skips work and boils an egg half way around the world??!!! Neither did I until I saw Mr Nobody starring Jared Leto as Nemo. I actually enjoyed this film a lot, and I think it was largely in part because it does not follow the normal status quo. Scene after scene the movie jumps around sporadically between the potential lives that Nemo could have had. I'd say it does a good job getting the viewer to think about his or her decisions, and the butterfly effect that follows within all the potential decisions that we make. It grasps a lot of string theory which I find interesting, but at the same time it can be useless to go into it. The world in which we live is simply that, the world in which we live. This is the string that we are in.. this is the path that we are all moving in together.
The nice thing is that we do get control over our decisions. We get to choose our path, and we get to make sure we find our happiness. I feel like I have seen many paths, or strings you could call them, in which I could live and or the persons I could be. I know that I can only see glimpses, and even then who knows if I could be correct, but it is easy to see which ones would not be ideal. We don't always know what decisions to make but sometimes decisions feel instinctual. Lately I have been trying to make my decisions based on what feels right, rather than how people view me.
I totally forgot that Jared Leto is the lead singer of 30 seconds to mars. I am a big fan)

I think the rest of tonight is going to be some Russian Rosetta Stone mixed with a little bit of "broccoli" time) Maybe make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, yummmm.. and that brings me to another topic!
Natural foods over crap filled foods filled with GMO, MSG, etc. I was at the store and was buying some jelly. When I was about to grab my normal Welches strawberry jelly, I noticed that for about 35 cents more I could get an all Natural Welches jelly that did not have all the corn syrup and preservatives that are filling a large percent of the jar. After eating the natural jelly I am more than happy with the 35 cent extra price. Not only is the jelly really sweet and awesome still, it actually has that great real strawberry taste as well! Better yet it is better for me. I realize more and more that every time I am shopping and buying things I am voting for what I think is acceptable and what I want them to make more of. If we educate people than we will live in a society that has a better quality all around. Education really is the starting point to solving any problem of the masses. blah blah blah I know I go on, anways, I am going to take my natural awesome strawberry jelly and my extra crunchy Jif peanut butter and make myself a magnificent PB & J. спокойной ночи!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Taking a break!

I have a full day ahead of me still, just got home from photographing sweaters and coats for the past few hours. I sat down and got stuck playing with my webcam and photoshop. Here is the result of my time haha

I'd say cool/a bit scary

Ok time to get back to more productive things! haha I will post my originals for this on my portfolio blog.

Friday, January 27, 2012

It's late, but I am just getting started!

Today has been rough from the start! :p With heavy eye lids I managed to turn off my alarm and switch off the space heater that sits about 3 ft away from my bed keeping me from the cold basement chill. It wouldn't be so bad if my roomie didn't always decide to "save money" by turning down the heat after I am asleep..! It's ok, someday I will get him.. I will get him reeeeeaaal good!! muahahaaha.. eehhh eeemmm.)))) as I was saying.. (OMG just killed a spideR!) (so far the 2nd spider I have seen since I have been living in my basement/fort/hippie/room/area) (maybe they a building up an army and plan on attacking me tonight>?!!>?..maybe not) Again! as I was saying/typing, I was basically tired all day at work but managed to make it through a 7 hour day. I will make up that other hour tomorrow. 
Since than I have been relaxing, throwing darts, and I also watched "the Hole" directed by Nick Hamm with actress Thora Birch playing the most wonderfully psycho girl every guy has nightmares about. I saw this movie years ago when I stumbled into my parents living room in Peach St. It was the middle of the day and I wasn't expecting to get stuck into a television show. Little did I know what I was in for but I started watching it about 40% into it and got hooked. It definitely is not the most visual stimulating movie ever made, but the story is interesting, or maybe awful is a better word.. yes.. the story is awful... I mean, it's intriguing! but how scary is that girl!
I need to start picking better movies for my moods haha, last night I was watching Donnie Darko and I still get creeped out by Frank the Bunnies voice... after tonight's psycho suspense mystery I will probably watch an old school favorite of mine; Paulie with Tony Shalhoub. Better known from his work in the TV series MONK. I freaking love birds!!! I am sooo getting a grey african parrot once I am settled!
Ok I need to get back to work on Lynda's blog, I promised her that I would, not only that I actually want to get some things going on it I just keep giving myself too many things to do! Luckily I've already finished a few mock ups for some Client work that I am doing. You can see those posts and the work I will be doing on Lynda's blog here (

Off I go! God Bless

Thursday, January 26, 2012

things on my mind

I have a few things I just need to get out of my head before I forget... and sticky notes.. they just don't always do the job hehe

I want to start making tutorials for some everyday basic computer things.. like basic maintenance.. basic antivirus, facebook things such as archiving photos, and setting privacy settings.

As well as making videos for these things I need to create postings that go along with the video and subject..

Kind of the same thing that I will be doin with my daily devotionals. Now that I have an HD camera and I will be getting a nice microphone I will be able to begin my devotionals. My goal is to do all of January's videos into February as well.

It seems like people always have questions about things to me that are often simple. I thank god for the blessings that he is always sending my way, and for the helpful people that are often around me. As I keep telling others, it does no good to spend your life storing up information and gaining knowledge if you do nothing with it. Make a blog, write a book, there are so many ways to express yourself that allows for movement forward. go go go, do it do it do it , move move move, im on my way, just need to keep it up)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

uploading... uploading... lol

Today was another big day for getting crap uploaded and freeing up some long due stress thats been hiding in the back of my head.. I think its great to finally get projects from 4 years ago on the internet... slowly but surely I can move on to more important things.
Here is a list of things I uploaded today, (also I am starting a KK page to put the links to kristinas videos)
Im going to be doing some more work on Lyndas Families Blog as well as creating a logo template for some contract work that I have been hired for! :) of course I will be posting links and images along the way) Keep your head up! BE POSITIVE! You will never meet a failure who was still trying.. and you will never meet a success who gave up.. go go go, do do do, move move move. All the while smile and relax) This is life))

Sunday, January 22, 2012

its worth is self!

So far reviews say to jump in and get a canon.. (CANON)

time to get in gear

Hello! I had to make myself post this.. lol but I know I need to do kick myself in the butt and get moving. I need to remind myself that this is the easy stuff, and if I can't do this than I have some issues in wanting to do bigger and better things in my future.
Today I spent a lot of time in skype calls)) and the rest of the time posting some new and old videos to youtube, here are the links of what I uploaded today:

Grasshopper Human (oddest video uploaded)
2am Simple After Effect Render
Simple 3D photo render 2am Film Set Behind Scenes
2am behind the scenes film edits w/music
2am behind the scenes film edits w/music
2am behind the scenes film edits
Words Have Meaning After Effects Test Render Effect

Most of these are short test edits. Seeing them reminds me how little work I have done since the time I learned how to use this program. I need to spend more time learning this stuff. Step one is getting better equipment..I need to invest in getting a good PC. Also I will need a nice camera to record HD and take good pictures.. (probably go with a camera that takes video as opposed with a camcorder) Anything I will be recording for videos can be set up anyways.

Taxes come back soon) I'm going to try and be smart and pay off things that are on needing it! Sadly I will forgo the jumping stilts for now. But I will probably end up buying a nice microphone like the Avid mic sold at Best Buy.

Avid - M-Audio Vocal Studio Microphone

.  !!!! I want this sooo bad! lol

Rain Computers - ION Studio High-Performance Rackmount Audio + Video Workstation

Ok enough looking at cool techs) I'll post some videos after I buy the mic and get it working.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

stop worrying and move

So I spend more time worrying about details rather than gaining any content... :p
I started this blog because I wanted to put myself out there.. lol time to start writing and spend less time worrying about which font looks best!
This whole weekend has been engaging, yet the stress of having personal projects on top of my already heavy workload has got me breaking out in cold sores!  ( I should just post my private link videos on my blog! that way I have a record to my memories and yet they won't be readily viewable by the general public!!! ) Random thought but need to do that.
The past hour or so I have spent working on a color scheme, title banner, and additional pictures for my friend Lynda and her blog! I always enjoy designing like this. I never know what I am making when open up the program, often I will make something like I did tonight and within a week I will have remade it several times until I have a product I am satisfied with. Here is a link for tonight's work.
Ok I still have to edit together some really odd webcam videos I made yesterday at 2am.. hehe maybe tomorrow I will post a video link and embarass myself)) I seem to enjoy doing this :p

Thursday, January 19, 2012